#KataMereka Their Words About Auliya Integrated Islamic Kindergarten

Fitri Ismalia, S.Pd

Principal's Greetings

Assalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokatuh. 

All praise belongs to Allah SWT. Blessings and peace be upon the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions. 

Dear parents, during the Golden Age, Early Childhood Education accompanies your child's first steps into the world of education. Providing an atmosphere of joy, happiness, and integrated learning to create a strong foundation for the future. 

We believe that every child has unique potential that needs to be discovered, nurtured, and respected. Therefore, we warmly welcome parents to collaborate with us in developing your child's potential in all aspects of development and achieving optimal learning competencies. 

With the loving guidance of our teachers, we offer creative and interactive learning experiences so that your child can learn happily and be ready to move on to the next stage of education. 

So, Let’s Play and Learn with Islamic Sentra. See you at Auliya Islamic Kindergarten.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr Wb

Learning Program

The learning program at Auliya Islamic Kindergarten is designed to address the developmental tasks of early childhood through the SENTRA method, implemented in an enjoyable learning atmosphere. The SENTRA method, based on SAL (Student Active Learning) and HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skills), serves as the framework for the implementation of the 5 Auliya Learning Programs. These programs aim to train students to enhance their creativity, critical thinking in problem-solving, ability to collaborate in teams, and communicate effectively within the framework of Islamic values integrated into every activity.

The 5 Auliya Learning Programs are : 

  1. Merdeka Belajar Program  
  2. Steadfast Islamic Program
  3. Character-Skill Key Program  
  4. Literacy Proficiency Program 
  5. Extra-Curricular Champions Program 

Merdeka Belajar Program

The learning activities with the essence of meaningful play embody the concept of “Independent Learning, Independent Playing” through 9 (nine) Centers, namely: Quran and Worship, Discovery and Nature, Art, Music and Movement, Dramatic Play, Math and Language, Block and Construction, English, and Computer. With a learning method designed to optimize children’s potential through interaction with various media, diverse activity options tailored to children’s interests, and specific concepts allowing children to engage in play, communication, and learning at their own pace and ability levels to achieve developmental tasks including: religious and moral values, Pancasila values, physical motor skills, cognitive, language, and socio-emotional aspects.

The achievement elements of the Independent Curriculum learning at the Foundation phase are:

  1. Religious Values and Character Virtues
  2. Self-Identity
  3. The Fundamentals of Literacy, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Arts.

At the Qur’an and Worship Center, students learn to recognize Islamic character to shape the noble behavior of Muslim generations. Students also learn the names of Allah, readings of the Qur’an, hadiths, and prayers, as well as other worship activities to train personal skills and spiritual intelligence, increase faith and piety, cultivate responsibility as creatures of Allah, and broaden religious insights.

At the Discovery and Nature Center, children are actively involved in their learning experiences in a natural and enjoyable way. They utilize their senses, learn about natural materials and their uses, and explore nature so that students can enhance their love for Allah’s creatures, as well as other creations of Allah found in nature

At the Music and Movement Center, children are trained in their sensitivity to music by exposing them to music and participating in music and dance. They are encouraged to be creative in developing both fine and gross motor skills.

At the Dramatic Play Center, children are trained in role-playing, which is very beneficial for their psychological and emotional development. It helps children to get to know themselves better and also aids in the development of their language skills and imagination.

At the Math and Language Center, mathematics is introduced to children through clear and engaging concepts, starting from the concrete to the abstract. Additionally, children learn mathematics through measurements, such as measuring distance, measuring volume, and comparing sizes. In this center, children are also introduced to letters and how to assemble them into words they encounter in daily life, so that both numerical and literacy focus for children can be achieved.

Helping to enhance children’s abilities in pattern-making, developing fine and gross motor skills, fostering children’s imagination, teaching concepts of shapes and space, as well as planning, developing, and optimizing thinking skills, creativity, and innovation.

At the English Center, children learn to recognize English vocabulary through the Total Physical Response (TPR) method. The vocabulary taught pertains to objects they commonly see and encounter. Children learn through games and songs, as well as attempting to express ideas with simple sentences.

In this center, children are introduced to the basics of technology on computers. They learn simple applications and practice them directly. All of these activities are conducted in a communicative and enjoyable manner, tailored to the needs of early childhood.


Steadfast Islamic Program

Steadfast Islamic Program is designed to :

  1. Generate deeper understanding, stronger convictions, and consistent daily experiences, not just theoretical but direct daily practice
  2. The learning materials are designed to be more essential (fundamental) and profound, not abundant but shallow

Islamic Tarbia is a program component integrated with the subjects of Islamic Religious Education and Character Education, focusing on competencies such as faith and piety, worship, and morals.


Quranic Tarbia is a program component focusing on the Quran with competencies in recitation, memorization, and reflection  

The Main Character & Skills Program

The Main Character and Skill Program is designed to strengthen the Success Character and 21st Century skills outlined in the Auliya Pancasila Student Profile. This program is structured through the Character and Soft-Skill Projects course, which is integrated with the Pancasila Student Profile Strengthening Project in collaboration with parents

The various Character and Soft-Skill Projects implemented every semester are:

The Literacy Proficiency Program

AULIYA Integrated Islamic School equips students to face the digital era 4.0, enabling them to become intelligent, experienced, and responsible individuals in the use of digital technology. They learn and communicate in both national and international contexts and acquire financial literacy skills.

The types of Financial Literacy Projects implemented each semester are :

Extraccurricular Champions Program


The Extracurricular Project fosters a champion mindset among students through special extracurricular programs involving participation in various competitions both within and outside the school

  1. Painting
  2. Dance
  3. Taekwondo
  4. Basketball
  5. Futsal
  6. Swimming

Learning Support Programs

Learning Support Programs (Produ) are both intra-curricular and extra-curricular activities designed to support the achievement of competencies within the 5 learning programs (Proka, Protap, Protam, Prokap, and Proja) for every student.

The types of Learning Support Programs include :

Merdeka Belajar Program :

  • Educational Visits

Steadfast Islamic Program:

  • Islamic New Year
  • Ramadhan
  • Hajj Rituals Training

Character-Skill Key Program:

  • Let’s be friends!
  • Independence Day

Literacy Proficiency Program :

  • Language and Literature Month

Extra-Curricular Champions Program :

  • Auliya Champions Club
  • Class Meeting

Student Active Learning (SAL) and High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) Based Learning Models

 The Auliya School learning model is designed to achieve the Pancasila-Auliya Student Profile through the Student Active Learning (SAL) and High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) approach, implemented in a cozy and enjoyable learning atmosphere. The SAL and HOTS approach at Auliya trains students to enhance their creativity, critical thinking in problem-solving, ability to collaborate in teams, and communicate effectively within the framework of Islamic values integrated into every activity 

  • Student-Centered Active Learning 
  • Learning designed to enable students to think critically and creatively
  • Using varied teaching methods
  • Project-Based Learning
  • Differentiated Learning
bu fitri rev 4

Fitri Ismalia, S.Pd.

Principal of Auliya Integrated Islamic Kindergarten School


Risna Dewi Susanti, S.Pd.

Vice Principal of Auliya Integrated Islamic Kindergarten School

Teacher Team

Principal: Fitri Ismalia, S.Pd

Vice Principal: Risna Dewi Susanti, S.Pd.

Teacher Team:

Ade Isnawati 

Aflah Dian Suciani, S.Pd 

Catur Susilowati, S.Pd 

Hindun Fatchul Mu'in, S.Pd. 

Humairotul Luthfiyah, S.Si. 

Iva Irwanti, S.Pd 

Nurul Sarifah, S.Pd.I. 

Puji Rahayu, S.Pd. 

Purwanti, S.Pd.I. 

Qurrotul Aini, S.Pd 

Rinda Julianti, A.Md. 

Siti Lomrah, S.S. 

Suprapti, S.Pd 

Yusnita Achmad, S.Pd.


Abu Bakar Ash-Shiddiq Building

Jl Jombang Raya No. 39, Pondok Aren


  • Center-Designed Classroom
  • Playground Area
  • Computer Laboratorium
  • Library
  • School Health Unit (UKS) Room
  • School Garden
  • Student Waiting Room
  • CCTV on each floor
  • School Safety Zone
  • Two parking area
  • A Safe, Clean, Tidy, and Beautiful Environment
  • Laboratorium Komputer

Videos and Photos of Activities